Friends of the UH Cancer Center
The Friends of the University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center (The Friends) is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to support and promote the efforts of the University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center. The goal of the Friends is to generate community support for the Cancer Center in its efforts to find cures for cancer, educate the people of Hawaiʻi on cancer prevention, and improve the quality of life of those diagnosed with cancer.
Providing Support
The Friends of the UH Cancer Center is a vital community advocacy organization that responds to and fulfills the Cancer Center’s needs for private funds to jumpstart initiatives that further the mission of the Cancer Center in research and education. To accomplish this, the Friends work with the state and federal governments, health care providers, and other cancer advocacy organizations on the Cancer Center’s behalf and also coordinate fundraising efforts and invite the community to play an important role in the fight against cancer. The Friends also raises funds to support programs at the UH Cancer Center, publications, interisland travel for clinical trial participants, educational symposiums, awards for outstanding researchers and young scientists, and research internships for undergraduate students.
Get involved
Learn how to get involved with and donate directly to the Friends of the UH Cancer Center at
Board Members
Rex T. Chang
Adelia C. Dung
Spencer Dung
Dennis E. Francis
Sheri-Ann Higa
Dale T. Kobayashi
Monica McLaren
Don Murphy
Jason K. Nagai
Earl Stoner - Emeritus
Mitchell Taira
Lynne Wooddell
Christopher M. Yasuma