Become a UH Cancer Center Clinical Member

Clinical members (Core, Clinical-X, and Affiliate) should be licensed practitioners with an appointment at one of the UH Cancer Center partners but do not meet the requirements for CCSG membership. Clinical members are expected to participate in translational research and/or recruit patients to cancer-related clinical trials at the UH Cancer Center and the Hawaiʻi Cancer Consortium. A specific membership category is attained if any of the listed criteria are satisfied. To maintain membership, all clinical members must meet the following criteria and provide an updated CV/Biosketch annually.

Learn more about how to become a UH Cancer Center (CCSG) Program Member

Become a UH Cancer Center (Non-CCSG) Clinical Member!

Clinical Membership Guidelines

Non-CCSG Clinical Members

Core Clinical Member - meet one of the following criteria

  1. Directs a UH Cancer Center PRMC-approved Investigator-Initiated Interventional Clinical Trial
  2. Local chair of one of the National Clinical Trials Network Cooperative Groups
  3. Chair of a key UH Cancer Center clinical research committee – PRMC, CRAB, DSMC, TCR Steering Committee
  4. Leadership role in UH Cancer Center Translational and Clinical Research (e.g Medical Director, CTO)
  5. Compensated UH Cancer Center appointment
  6. Leader, Translational & Clinical Research (TCR) Affinity Group
  7. Leader or co-leader of the Disease Site Working Group (DSWG)
  8. Principal Investigator (PI) for a National Clinical Trial
  9. Enrolls ≥ 10 patients in UH Cancer Center sponsored clinical trials annually

Clinical-X Member - meet one of the following criteria

  1. Enrolls ≥ 5 patients in UH Cancer Center sponsored clinical trials annually
  2. Local PI of a UH Cancer Center sponsored clinical trial (industry- or NCTN-sponsored)
  3. [Associated with non-compensated UH Board of Regents appointment.]
  4. Reviews ≥ 3 protocols for PRMC or CRAB annually
  5. Member or alternate member of a key UH Cancer Center clinical research committee – PRMC, CRAB, DSMC, TCR-SC
  6. [Attendance at ≥ 50% of meetings annually, is expected.]

Collaborating Clinician

  1. Matrix faculty researchers who are doing cancer-relevant work but do not qualify for Core or Clinical-X member status

Clinical Membership Benefits by Category

Benefits Core Clinical Member Clinical-X Member Collaborating Clinician
TCR Strategic Planning Participant X
Individual web page on the UH Cancer Center site X
Recognized as medical practitioner on the UH Cancer Center website X optional
Eligible for CTO support for clinical trial accrual X X
Eligible for UH Cancer Center Adjunct Faculty Status X X**
Eligible for UH Cancer Center seed/pilot awards as PI X
Eligible for trial accrual awards X X
Included in TCR listing on UH Cancer Center site X X Group Listing
Inclusion in TCR List Serve and UH Cancer Center announcements X X x

**PI on local trial

For Clinical membership questions, please contact:
UH Cancer Center Clinical Trials Office
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: (808) 586-2979